Time is flying! Last week, Indiana...This week, Georgia. The best thing about Georgia? Karen lives there, love my bestie. We got to scream together, eat together, drink together (non-alcoholic...unlike Test Pilot School Days when Massucci Beergharitas were de rigueur! But then, Starbucks has become de rigueur...)
This week, my favorite holiday of any, Thanksgiving. Not for the food, but for the simplicity of the day...gratitude. Celebrating when what we have is way more than we need. We are so blessed. I am so blessed. See my pictures below...proof that I am abundantly blessed.
First week in December is Cincinnati, and we get to visit Dave and Rita. More Test Pilot School friends....I need look no further than my friends to know I am blessed. I am amazed by the goodness of God and the people He has put in my life...and then there are my kids...they make me grit my teeth, melt my heart, and most of all...they humble me. Thursday night, M tells me I'm cute when I am mad...on Friday, H tells me I can't do an evil eye. What is worse than knowing your kids find you amusing when you've turned into "Crazy Mom?"
So...H wants to play hockey...things are about to get really interesting in my world. Competitive siblings, H in a male dominated sport, MORE stinky hockey equipment...I think I should have got 2 of the Yankee Candle car fresheners from Cracker Barrel...one for the front and one for the back of the mini van.
Speaking of mini vans, I have my first vanity plate "ICEMOM." I walked up behind Miss Daisy (my mini van, and yes, I name my cars, don't you?) and saw the "Skate" and "Hockey" magnet and thought I need a plate with "IceMom" on it. Our 28th anniversary was coming up so that is what I asked for. Greg made the mistake of saying he didn't have time to go to the DMV to order a plate. Lauren immediately pulled up the online site with her phone (gotta love the phone in her hands, she can find anything! I digress), she checked to see if it was available and voilĂ , Greg was shamed by my 3 blessings to order the plate. I went and paid for it since he is so busy and now Miss Daisy is properly accessorized for all of my trips to the Rink...now that I think about it... I should have made it "2theRnk." However, if anyone asks why Greg gave me "IceMom" as an anniversary present, I will say it's because I'm a cold hard b____. I'm working on my hockey mom image. I haven't quite achieved that "Pit Bull with lipstick" image yet. Although I do have a really pretty lipstick.

See? Pretty red lipstick!
Sisters of a different Mister (This is what I look like at 10 pm and I have been up since 4 am...not a pretty sight but Karen looks good!)
One of the moms took this over the weekend. I took a picture of the digital screen with my phone. That's my boy!
Hannah is so thrilled she is going to be able to learn to play hockey. She will have the skating down cold but stick handling will be the trick...and learning the game strategy. Smart penalties...not so smart penalties. Girls can play down so she would be in Matthew's league but she wants to play Bantam and doesn't mind there is checking...Aaagggghhh!
Yeah, That was a penalty...
I noticed when the coaches yell at Matthew the silent e in Bice is being pronounced...I kind of like it! I think it started with the head coach, he is from Slovokia and I think they pronounce all vowels.
This last game was a rough one...even the coach drew a penalty. I was hysterical!! I asked Greg "Why are they talking to Vachon (Asst. Coach) and not Martin (head coach)? And the next thing you know, Martin is screaming at the refs "You talk to me, first!" Yeah, we could all hear that on the other side of the ice...The Kennesaw team had a huge player number 19 who played extremely dirty and drew only two penalties in 3 games...we have a tiny (fierce Canadian boy) on our team who checked the guy back and drew a penalty...Love that boy...it was like watching David and Goliath.
So we tied one game and lost the other two...if our boys would just cover the net for the rebounds...at least they're passing this year and my D-Man is fierce. I have named him "El Fuego."