I'm still battling bronchitis...I think I told you on my fifth day of steroids I turned into a Steroid tornado and accomplished a month worth of tasks in a single day....the burst of energy is long gone but my getting things done around the house has lingered. I heard Matthew say to Greg the other day "She's organizing again."
Roo has not heard back from Boeing yet. Fingers crossed...Prayers lifted high.
Football seems to be a tad disappointing for my Southern friends...it was funny. In Montgomery, my co-workers were rabid Auburn fans (diplomas on every wall). Here, it's a Bama place...except at Church...it's Auburn heavy (many people from Opelika moved here to help to start our Church, Our church has 12 campuses in the state and services in 13 Correctional facilities.) I digress, I am not expecting great things from the SEC this year. I will stick with my favorite...Harvard. "Go, Crimson!" And yes, when I wear my one Harvard sweatshirt, people assume I am a Bama fan. I put my allegiance up for sell on Facebook about 8 years ago...the best offer I got was an offer of Lipton tea bags to cheer for Bama. If it had been Mighty Leaf Breakfast tea, we would have had a deal...obviously, my new friend was completely unaware that I am a tea snob. She knew I liked tea but was unaware that Lipton is nothing but tea dust. You have to have the real leaves...that way when people see the bowl I save the used tea leaves...they can think I like smoking pot...especially the Jasmine tea...it really is funny to see the bowl of used tea leaves. Oh, and I put the used tea leaves into my garden...my soil stinks...nothing but clay...I bury banana peels, bury egg shells, I have a lot of work to do...Have you noticed I can't stay on one topic for an entire paragraph? I am a rabbit trail writer...or I can bring everything back to tea....not sure which...
So, Church...our church has 12 campuses and services in 13 correctional facilities. Our first visit was a hoot...Greg said "Is that smoke from dry ice???" Quite the departure from our 300 year old hymn singing services...however, upon learning more about the Church...there is a very good reason for its style of worship...the Pastor had studied how many people professed to be Christians over the last 10 decades and saw how many young people no longer believe in God...so the Church strives to reach the youth and turn them into future leaders. If you ever have a free hour, you can suffer the culture shock experience (but I think you will see why we love our church) you can watch What About Heaven? | Media | Church of the Highlands
The best news of our crazy church is the kids love it, Roo is back in Church after our horrible experience with Westminster Presbyterian (not only does she attend but she serves AND goes to Prayer services), I have seen huge growth in Greg, and in myself also. I attend the Saturday prayer which has a lot of prayer request cards from the Limestone Correctional Facility...the prisoner cards just touch my heart in ways you cannot imagine...98% of the requests are for other people...inmates, families, friends, judges, parole boards for other inmates, etc. Anyway, this past Saturday, I fell off of my knees laughing...the card was so sweet, requests for his family, etc. and then...he asked for the Lake of Fire to be extended so all of the State Employees could fit into it...it took me 3 attempts to pray without laughing...oh, and I changed the request from extending the Lake of Fire to him having a heart of forgiveness.
Time to end this ADD mess and drive Miss Hannah to school. Have a lovely day!