School starts in 12 days...the Lazy Days of Summer sped by at an accelerated pace leaving me with a Resolution to not cave into the pressure of keeping the kids busy. Next year, I am getting a hammock and hope the trees grow really fast to provide some shade...we will go to the Library and check out some books...the kind you hold in your hand and return to the idea of Slow Summer Days sipping iced tea and fanning one's self to stay cool. I have spent this Summer putting an unbelievable amount of miles on my car (which is thankfully, air conditioned).
M finishes his last day of Chess Camp today. He is very proud he was the last man standing with the Chess Master who is here visiting from AZ. He has a tournament tomorrow and I am praying it finishes before he needs to leave for his hockey scrimmages against Pelham tomorrow at 2:30. He has hockey tonight after you see the odometer on my mini van just spinning out of control here? Yeah, me, too. M has put in a request to his dad to not sign him up for anymore hockey things that are beyond his normal travel schedule. He wants to focus on Boy Scouts and his merit badges. I believe this translates into "I really want to go on all these camping trips!"
H helped out at Bible School this week when she did a sleep over at her friend's house. She came home wiped out and has a stomach bug. I won't be seeing much of her today. I think she and her cat have taken to her bed and will remain unseen for most of the day.
I have school supplies to get today. I have to confess I have a weakness for school supplies. I don't know why but I find pencils, paper, and notebooks positively magical. It must be a carry over from childhood...I do miss the Pee Chee folders...if those returned, I do believe life would be perfect.
But first, I must go to the OAMM website (Once a Month Meals) to get my recipes and shopping lists for getting meals made ahead for the crazy days of school and travel hockey. Bon Apetit.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago