The other night while the kids were getting ready for bed, I heard a conversation that was so funny, I had to make it my FB status. I am cheating and doing the copy/paste thing:
"Hannah is telling Matthew what a "bad boy" is, that girls like boys that are "mama's boys" because they're caring AND she is giving him the percentage of his bad boy to mama boy."
There was much more to this conversation, H told M that he is a Mama's Boy but that was okay since girls like Mama's Boys. (Really? I always liked the "Bad Boy." I must be a fluke)
Oh, and before going up to get ready for bed, I told M several times to go up and get his shower (he was horizontal in front of the TV) and when I threatened him with grounding from all things electronic his reply was "Mom, I'm 7 now, it takes me longer to get up." Yep, that is my kids.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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