Last year, my BFF, Lisa, arrived at the pool with killer hair. I knew I finally found a hairdresser...I HAD to go to whoever it was she went to for her haircut. (One of the downsides of military life is always having to find a new hairdresser) I found someone who was okay but my bangs would be too short, my layers too choppy, and so it goes...
I went to the hairdresser and I knew our personalities were very different the minute I said something about how pot should not be legal and she felt it should be...but my hair...fantastic!
Then there was the day my hairdresser told me she had lied to her insurance was a doozy. She wanted them the expedite the claim on her roof so she told them her husband had left her, she had breast cancer, she had surgery scheduled for the next day AND she was trying to date one of the agents in the this is a woman who would definately be intimate with a date and I am not sure how she would pull off the lack of scar from the surgery. I sat there and pondered, do I run for the hills? Do I try to share God? Do I keep my mouth shut and just enjoy my hair because it is fabulous??? (Did I mention my hair is probably my best feature?)
Next visit, my hairdresser starts telling me she just had a chemo I tell her I know she made the whole story up for the insurance company or just go with it...I changed the subject. I loved my hair and really didn't want her to slip with the scissors.
I would go home, realize my hairdresser is a nutcase but it is just so hard to find a new one...I can't really change to another person at the salon, can you say uncomfortable???
This brings us to last hairdresser fluffs my hair and decides we are going to add some layers. Okay, I am all in...then she acts weird...I ask if everything is okay and she starts telling me she was in a car accident and her hand hurts. After a pause, she adds her friend is in ICU. Another pause, she will enver buy another car with air bags. I ask if she should go home. She said her boss says she has to work. Then there was some drama over her hands and she had three foils in my hair and disappears. I sit there..for a very long time and a very young girl says she will be taking over for my hairdresser. Four hours later, I am finally getting my hair blow dried but no haircut...that was rescheduled and I got my haircut yesterday...The manager scheduled me with a different stylist and my two month appointment...also with the stylist from yesterday. I was put at the station where my previous stylist I do believe I have a new stylist and my hair...fabulous.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
1 comment:
Very funny story. I agree that it's hard to find another stylist. I followed a woman around Costco because she had GREAT hair and I needed to know who she went to. I got her name and am going at the end of the week. Man alive I hope she knows how to cut curly hair and color it to look a natural brown color, not chunky highlights with hidden peacock colors underneath.
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