Two more days until my favorite holiday of the year. I think I like it so much because I have so many great memories of Thanksgiving growing up...my dad used to take us to Missouri when we were in high school to my great aunt's house and her porch would be filled with pies that she had baked. She would make several chocolate for my dad and I would be mesmerized by the cherry pie because she would make a lattice crust. The colors of fall were so pretty...And when I was a little girl, we would go to my aunt's house on 20th St. West every Thanksgiving and spend the day playing croquet while my dad grilled the turkey. The best turkey ever was the year he burned it. At the end of the day, my aunt would sit down and play Christmas Carols...funny, back then we thought it was too early for Christmas music but we did it anyway since everyone was all together. Even in Missouri, the Downtown would have all their decorations for Christmas up the day after Thanksgiving...I used to think it was too early....I have neighbors with their Christmas lights up now and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet